Fulham, London SW6 3EB
South Park is in Fulham. southwest London. The original Edwardian walls that surround the park and the Plane Trees planted over 100 years ago create a feeling of a place that is far away from the hustle and bustle of London. South Park is close to The Hurlingham Club, the River Thames and New Kings Road. Within the Edwardian walls, there are 20 acres of open space with something for everyone.
Trees, flowers, grass, fresh air.
From the early spring to the start of winter there are flowers in bloom in South Park. Lewis Mock Orange tumbles over the garden walls, Turkish Sage with its green leaves and yellow flowers is a rare site for many people and the various roses in all shades from white, through yellow and bright pink, are wonderful. As the seasons change so does the colour of the trees. In the spring the Lime Trees and Plane Trees are bright green and in the autumn they display spectacular colours from red to dark brown.

Sport in the park
Football is very popular in South Park. At the weekends armature games fill the park as well as football classes for girls and boys. In the cricket season, there are club games as well as cricket classes for girls and boys. The tennis courts are busy all year and tennis lessons are available every day of the week. To book a tennis court click on the following link lbhf.gov.uk/sport/sports-bookings-and-facilities
Tennis coaching.
Fortunately, we have two fully qualified LTA instructors working in South Park, Greg Bamford who can be contacted on winningwithsport.co.uk and Tony Beaton on southparktennis.com

Dog Show and Picnic 2019
Every June the Parks Police organise a Fun Dog Show for the Mayhew Trust. Dogs, children, adults all have a great time and there are lots and lots of fun prizes to be won. This is followed by the annual Picnic in the Park with lots of stalls selling clothes, cakes, ice cream, pizzas, sandwiches and much much more. The funfair and the band starts at 13.00 and hundreds of people have an afternoon on the lawns in South Park enjoying food, music, sunshine with friends, family and of course lots of dogs.

Dogs in the park
South Park is the perfect place to walk a dog . The perimeter paths making a good walk for dog owners and the trees, bushes and grass hold plenty of sniffs and smells for the most particular dogs. The dogs in the park come in all shapes and sizes with everything from Miniature Terriers to Great Danes. Most of the dogs are well trained but for the more boisterous dogs, South Park has an enclosed and gated area.
Children, adults, and dogs all share South Park. Dog owners are asked to behave responsibly and clear up after their dog or dogs.
Please put dog mess into the waste bins that are throughout the park.

Ecology Garden
The ecology garden was the inspiration and creation of Beth Patrick. Beth is no longer with us but she would be delighted with the way the wild flowers and shrubs she planted create a wonderful display from early spring to the beginning of winter. At the centre of the ecology garden is the pond. The pond is busy all year with fish, dragonflies, butterflies, ducks, ducklings and the ever watchful grey herons. Add to that the Sparrows, Blackbirds, Jays, Wrens, Robins and many other birds that drink in the pond it is great place just to sit and watch.

Playground for children
ISouth Park playground is the perfect location for young children and their parents. Surrounded on all sides by hedges, discreet fences and safety gates it is a great place to sit and watch or get involved.
The playground has slides, a zip wire, swings, climbing frames and wooden ships all set among lots of grass and trees. In 2018 the playground had an upgrade which makes it easier for the disabled in the community.
PS. This is a dog free zone.

Friends of South Park
The Friends of South Park (FoSP) are a group of local people dedicated to the continuing improvement, maintenance and general well-being of South Park by working alongside The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham who are the park owners. As a successful pressure group FoSP have been behind many improvements in South Park. The improvements include including the restoration of the Edwardian perimeter walls, the refurbishment of the tennis courts, the new cricket nets, the children's play area and the resurfacing of the netball courts and in 2016 the of the Ecology Garden and Pond.
Facebook. We are active on Facebook and we post information on what is happening in South Park on a weekly basis. The message service on our Facebook page is a live and active service. To got to our Facebook page just click on the symbol in the header or find us at facebook.com/SouthParkFulham
Membership of FoSP is free, and all park users and local residents are encouraged to join. A regular newsletter is published and there are two open meetings every year. Joining FoSP is easy and very quick, we need your name and an email address, nothing more. Just click on the membership email and send us your details.

The Parks Police
The Parks Police provide a reassuring uniformed presence in South Park. They work closely with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and the local community to ensure that South Park is a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
Every year The Parks Police organise a fun dog show in South Park. Everyone is welcome, with prizes for the best puppy, golden oldie, best in the breed, plus of course the best-behaved dog and the worst behaved dog. The money raised goes to The Mayhew, a very worthy charity that cares for cats and dogs in the community themayhew.org
The contact details for the Parks Police are as follows:
0208 753 5999