Over 20,000 local residents live within a short walk of South Park in a typical London mix of young families, millennial's, professionals and long-term residents. In the same area, there are shops, restaurants, supermarkets, estate agents and many other businesses who would like more of the local residents to buy their products or services.
South Park is one of the very few places they all have in common and anecdotal evidence shows that they put great value on having a well maintained open space so close to home. The evidence also shows that they appreciate the work that The Friends of South Park (FoSP) carry out in maintaining and improving the facilities in the park that we all share.
In 2020 The Sands End Arts and Community Centre will open in South Park at a cost of £3.6 million. The two funding partners, Thames Tideway and Chelsea Football Club will be working very closely with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and its database of local residents and all residents in the borough to ensure that this community-driven project gets a very high profile on TV, in the press and on all elements of social media. FoSP will be working very closely with all of the promotional campaigns.
The long-term plans for South Park will bring even better facilities for all park users with the opening of the Community and Arts Centre and it makes good commercial sense for local businesses to be part of the future of the park. To be part of the future FoSP have a range of sponsorship opportunities that will put local business names, profiles and brands in front of the thousands of people in the area and throughout the borough.
All sponsors have a different target market and by working alongside FoSP we can put your name and brand in front of the local community.