FoSP AGM 2022 Minutes.
AGM was held in SEACC (Sands End Art & Community Center) Wednesday 20th April 2022.
Apologies for absence were received from Sarah Morphet, Ahmadou, Ingelie Wykand, Amada Lloyd-Harris, Gloria Guy & Louise Barton.
The minutes of the last AGM which was held on 13th of May 2020 were circulated and approved following that meeting.
Chairs Report
Last two years have been tough with limited opportunity for FoSP to fundraise or meet up in person and a change in the landscape of the park and local community.
We have seen people in the area leave London, re-prioritise, form new routines. Huge increase in usage of the park during lockdowns and also now that people work from home more.
Large increase in the dog population Increase in sports providers using the park to increase revenue for the council and provide for the increased take up of outdoor sports during and post pandemic.
LBHF budgets were put on hold to prioritise for the needs of the pandemic. Pros and cons for all of this but it throws up different issues.
What we have achieved Fundraising:
• Spacehive crowdfund campaign raising £7,400.00 in Spring/Summer 2021 to revive the Community Garden
• Harvest Moon Festival in September 2021 raised over £2.5k with £1.5k being donated to H&F foodbank
Additions to the Park over the last two years:
• Drinking Fountain (for humans and dogs) installed and up and running, opened by the Mayor
• Lavender planted in the Woolneigh entrance raised beds in March 2020
• Cotoneaster bushes planted to enhance house sparrow’s habitat in June 2020
• Several plantings to the hedgerow over last year on Settrington which is coming along nicely
• Community Garden Group flourishing with 2 group sessions per week – repaving of terrace
• Lots of bulbs planted around the park. New rose bed.
• Worked with local schools and Duke of Edinburgh for volunteering in the park Initiatives:
• Took part in the LBHF Climate Carnival with a stand and talks on permaculture & herbal medicines
• Took part in Parks Commission conversations
• Helped facilitate kids Sports Hub in pavilion
• Initiation of the H&F Tiny Forest initiative
• Work on presenting ideas for astro pitch / cricket nets / outdoor gym Communications:
• Instagram account now running for FoSP and for Heritage Market Garden to compliment website and Facebook page
Treasurers Report
Sweder reported on the last 2 years of income and expenditure. During which period our major outgoings were for the installation of a water fountain. We also donated £1,500 to the local food bank, this was part of the money we raised in our Autumn event.
Currently FoSP has £9,566.69 in funds and a the Community Garden account has £5,244.87, the community garden account will fund the installation of a shed for gardening and some other gardening related items.
Please find the full treasurers report in a separate and following document.
Implementation of Parks Commission
Simon Ingyou gave a report of the progress on implementation of the parks commission report.
The new grounds maintenance contract has been awarded to idVerde following a tender process. The contract lasts 5 years with a 5 year option starting in January 2022.
Specifications of the contract have been changed. There is a social value commitment which includes favouring local staffing.
There will be regular resident satisfaction surveys including one this spring which will give a baseline for the level of satisfaction at the start if the contract.
There will be measures to improve volunteer engagement and specialised help like the RSPB report into the biodiversity pond which was obtained recently.
More of the vehicles and tools used in the park will be electric.
There will be a new parks forum encouraging interaction between friends groups starting summer 2022.
More transparency in parks funding. Affordable pitch hire for local schools and organisations and protection through fields in trust.
New application has been made for the green flag, judging takes place this spring.
There are plans to repair the pavilion roof and place new signs at entrances to the park.
Plans For Outdoor Gym
One of the parks department project leaders Hugo kindly attended to let us know about the project he has been given to organise an extra cricket net and outdoor gym on the hardstanding area next to the current cricket nets.
There will be a public consultation following the local election which will be promoted via online via social media.
If the project is supported the parks department will work with the friends group on a specification. There will be a mixture of static and moving equipment and it should provide opportunities to exercise for the whole community including wheelchair users.
Equipment will also be provided through a startup called Spring Fitness. Election of Committee
Election of Committee Members
Members The committee members were elected as follows :-
Sweder - Chair
Andy - Treasurer
Aurelia – Secretary
Louise – Biodiversity
Ahmadou – Sports
Stuart - Social Media
Fiona - Community Garden
John Goater
Su Gahan
Questions From The Room.
It was requested that extra bins be added and bins that have been removed be replaced. Also that separate bins should be provided for dog waste. It was noted and accepted that bins should and will be provided.
Several questions were raised about the toilet block around the rose garden and the lack of toilet facilities due to the short opening hours of the community centre. There are no plans currently for redevelopment of the toilet blocks but it is expected that the community centre will open longer hours as it becomes more used.
Although minor works to keep the toilets have taken place over the last few years the cost of properly renovating the buildings is increasing as their overall condition deteriorates.
A question was asked about the biodiversity pond, whether it would be open to the public again. Due to repeated misuse and vandalism the area has been locked but there are plans to arrange open days when the public can visit the area with some oversight to ensure that the area continues to provide shelter to the wildlife it is designed to nurture.
It was requested that the rose beds in the north of the park could be protected by small fences to stop damage from balls and children running through them. This was accepted and plans should be made to provide them.
Questions were raised about the new community centre where the meeting took place. The friends group are not sufficiently involved in the community centre to know what plans there are for involving the local community and there were no representatives from the trustees to answer these questions.
The issue of noise and light pollution from the community centre spreading to houses backing onto the park was raised. The timer for community centre exterior lights will be altered and the manager of the community centre contacted to discuss the noise levels, currently music can be heard in the evenings from houses across the park.
A question was raised regarding hanging banners on the railings surrounding the park. Details and permission can be sought by emailing
Friends Of South Park Financial Overview May 13th 2020 April 20th 2022
Opening Balance Balance May 13th 2020 £18,126.94
Incoming Outgoing
25-Jun-20 GOCARDLESS Direct Debit £100.00
5-Nov-20 H&F Council Fountain Outward Faster Payment £8,086.80
1-Dec-20 L. Tricario bluebell Outward Faster Payment £15.00
1-Dec-20 SJA KENNON BEE SYRUP FOSP Outward Faster Payment £195.43
10-Mar-21 S J CrouchFosp WebHosting Outward Faster Payment £288.00
13-May-21 HON R METHERELL DONATION Inward Payment £15.00
20-May-21 SJA KENNON BEE medicine Outward Faster Payment £64.00
20-May-21 L. Tricario Community Garden Outward Faster Payment £220.99
18-Jun-21 Sweder van Iterson Market Garden Outward Faster Payment £64.00
18-Jun-21 Zurich Insurance 24022095 Outward Faster Payment £157.00
18-Jun-21 Clair L V Inston Market garden Outward Faster Payment £187.88
18-Jun-21 GoCardless Ltd VE0001PSE8AQSV Outward Faster Payment £0.01
2-Jul-21 Sandra Redon Box trees Outward Faster Payment £137.86
8-Jul-21 THE DAISY TRUST THE DAISY TRUST Inward Payment £600.00
8-Jul-21 GC C1 FOSP-AZDV8EMZ7KTVQ Inward Payment £4,761.60
15-Jul-21 MR F E D RICOIS / John Bench plaque Inward Payment £40.00
15-Jul-21 PAYPAL PPWDL4CHJ222332RGE Inward Payment £1.00
15-Jul-21 PAYPAL CODE 7759 PAYPAL CODE 7759 Inward Payment £0.01
16-Jul-21 PAYPAL PPWDL4CHJ222432ALQ Inward Payment £243.00
21-Sep-21 J M Hawkins invoice 391 Outward Faster Payment £40.00
24-Sep-21 Road management services 28706 Outward Faster Payment £50.00
29-Sep-21 Road management services 28708 Outward Faster Payment £15.00
13-Oct-21 446945-Apire FULL MOON F BACS Inward Payment £1,000.00
15-Oct-21 Sandra Redon Community garden Outward Faster Payment £211.9
15-Oct-21 L. Tricario Community Garden Outward Faster Payment £378.11
22-Oct-21 Bee collective 2021 52 South Park Outward Faster Payment £85.7
18-Nov-21 Cash Deposit Counter Deposit Inward Payment £1553.76
7-Dec-21 Hammersmith Fulham Foodbank FoSP Outward Faster Payment £1500.00
25-Feb-22 S J Crouch Webhosting FoSP21 Outward Faster Payment £327.07
25-Feb-22 I irwin FoSP Outward Faster Payment £100.00
11-Mar-22 Sweder van Iterson CG Wood Outward Faster Payment £235.00
19-Apr-22 SEAC INV 0074 Outward Faster Payment £120.00
Inward Payments £8,264.37
Outward Faster Payments £12,579.75
Outstanding invoice IdVerde Outstanding Inward Payment £1,000.00
Closing Balance April 20th 2022 Including Community Garden £14,811.56
Incoming Outgoing
FOSP Excluding Community Garden £2,568.76 £11,129.01
Closing Balance April 20th 2022 Excluding Community Garden £9,566.69
Treasurer Friends of South Park
Sweder van Iterson
April 20th 2020
Friends Of South Park Financial Overview May 13th 2020 - April 20th 2022
Community Garden Opening Balance Dec 1st 2020 £0.00
Incoming Outgoing
1-Dec-20 L. Tricario bluebell Outward Faster Payment £15.00
20-May-21 L. Tricario Com Garden Outward Faster Payment £220.99
18-Jun-21 Sweder van Iterson Market garden Outward Faster Payment £64.00
18-Jun-21 Clair L V Inston Market garden Outward Faster Payment £187.88
2-Jul-21 Sandra Redon Box trees Outward Faster Payment £137.86
8-Jul-21 THE DAISY TRUST THE DAISY TRUST Inward Payment £600.00
8-Jul-21 GC C1 FOSP-AZDV8EMZ7KTVQ Inward Payment £4,761.60
15-Jul-21 MR F E D RICOIS john bench plaque Inward payment £40.00
15-Jul-21 PAYPAL PPWDL4CHJ222332RGE Inward Payment £1.00
15-Jul-21 PAYPAL CODE 7759 PAYPAL CODE 7759 Inward Payment £0.01
16-Jul-21 PAYPAL PPWDL4CHJ222432ALQ Inward Payment £243.00
16-Jul-21 PAYPAL PPWDL4CHJ22242YAPG Inward Payment £50.00
15-Oct-21 Sandra Redon Garden Outward Faster Payment £211.9
15-Oct-21 L. Tricario Community garden Outward Faster Payment £378.11
11-Mar-22 Sweder van Iterson CG Wood Outward Faster Payment 235.00
Incoming £5,695.61 £1,450.74
Outstanding invoice IdVerde £1,000.00
Community Garden Closing Balance April 20th 2022 £5,244.87
Treasurer Friends of South Park
Sweder van Iterson
April 20th 2020